COMUNiTi began with a vision to foster vibrant cultural exchanges within our community. Our team is driven by a shared commitment to co-create solutions for real-world issues. Our journey began with a focus on carefully curated events, serving as catalysts for engaging discussions among a diverse range of stakeholders from the private, public, and non-profit sectors.

ArtSeen is a manifestation of our commitment to nurturing creativity and connectivity.  This visionary initiative seeks to revolutionize the Greater Victoria arts (and beyond) by democratizing access to art. Through ArtSeen, we aim to bring the concept of art galleries to everyday spaces, transforming them into vibrant cultural hubs showcasing local talent.

Through our carefully curated COMUNiTi Shiftmakers Series we bring together a diverse group of private, public, and non-profit stakeholders to engage in regional issues. So whether you’re an artist, designer, entrepreneur, or simply interested in the arts, this event promises to be an exciting and informative exploration of the important role the Arts play within our community.

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